The non arching electrical insulating and heat resisting boards called "SYNDANIO SHEETS". |
"SYNDANIO SHEETS", is a high grade arc and heat resisting material produced from specially selected and prepared asbestos fiber and cement formed into boards under high pressure. |
These sheets are available in 4ft x 3.5ft (1200 x 1070mm). A fully equipped machine shop is available for the supply of cut and drilled sheets and fully machined parts to individual requirements. |
Thickness Ranges from 3mm to 75mm and can go up to 200mm at special request. |
These boards are manufactured from specially selected asbestos fiber and port land cement formed into fully compressed boards under high pressure. Mechanically strong, these boards possess good arc and heat resisting characteristics. In view of the relatively high water absorption, where these boards are used, they are liable to absorb water, reduction in electrical insulation. |
These sheets are Light grey in color with smooth sanded surface. |
It can withstand a continuous temperature up to 350 degree centigrade. |
It can be easily machined by normal engineering methods provided certain, simple precautions are observed. A comprehensive technical service is available to customers seeking advice on the choice of material and its subsequent machining for customers wishing to purchase machined components to drawings or specifications; the highest standards of accuracy and quality is assured. |
Application |
Insulation: Electrical collars and bushing, float glass assembly tops, floor insulation for hot slabs in railroad cards, gas analyzing machines, gaskets, glass tank bottoms, heat pads, heat sealing machines, heat treatment plants, high volume backing ovens hoods, HVAC expansion valve dryer/insulation, infrared heat backing insulated mold boards in foundries, lab furnaces, lead melting furnaces. |
Foundry: Core molding plates, core drying plates flask liners, induction furnaces castings. |
Glass: Chamber wall linings, glass forming tubes, neon molding jigs, tank bottom insulation steam cabinet parts, steel splash pads, support for heating elements, textile drying ovens. |
Iron and Steel Making: Concrete floor protection, ladle covers, rotary kilns, runners, troughs, runner covers, steel ladles, torpedo car linings, insulating truck beds carrying billets, etc. |
Lime and Cements Plants: Backup insulation in rotary kilns. |
Marine: Incombustible base for melamine or aluminum veneers & wall papers, marine application for divisional bulk heads and linings. |
Molding: Injection molding, molded insulation press plastic plated press. Ply wood plated press, rubber plated press, pallet supports used during oven drying, vacuum forming ovens. |
Non Ferrous: Baffles, basins, distribution and pouring boxes, distribution plate, electrical insulation, feed boards, filter boxes, floats and spouts, head boxes, headers, holding furnace lining, hot tops and ingot mold liners, launders, orifice plates, pot insulation, plugs, rings, skimmer dams, stopper pins, tips, snouts, transition plates, trough linings. |
Power Generation: Cable trays, pipe support systems, fire protection. |
Ceramics: Kiln car bottoms, oven drying plates and pallets. |
Electrical Insulation: Aluminium smelting, arc shields, braking resistance grids, collars and bushing, component mounting plates, fuse gear, hot wire cutting equipment, supports and housing, switchgear assemblies, terminal boxes and strips, transformer spacers, welding systems. |
We are the leading trader of high temperature Thermal Insulating Boards ‘SYNDANIO SHEET’ which is widely used in Induction Furnaces, Ladle Cover & Billet Heater for Insulation purpose. |
Slipping Devices, Equalizer Hangers, Secondary Circuit etc. |